Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Exercise & My Like/Hate Relationship

I am not an avid exerciser. I should be, I know this. Everyone should be. And I truly wish I was one of those people who just love it and can't live without it. But I'm not. I do try though, albeit in spurts. Well I'm apparently on one of those spurts right now, since two weeks ago, I decided, ok this is enough. My reason? I want to be fitter for my kids, and frankly, I want another baby. Being an OB nurse,  however, I know way too much and don't want to be overweight and put my baby and myself at risk for complications. So, I'm determined to start eating better and working out, so I can have that baby in a healthier state.

I made my "motivational wall" in my room where I have to look at it every single day. On it I have a whiteboard with some favorite HIIT workouts printed out, a squat challenge written out and an old bikini pinned to the wall next to it to motivate me. I actually started out doing really well. I got 5 days into the squat challenge, and made sure I did at least some form of exercise every day for those 5 days...and then I quit. Not intentionally...I mean who actually quits doing what's good for them intentionally? No one. But between the 3 daycare interviews, 4 homework assignments including a quiz and overall craziness going on in my life last week, I just never "found the time" to get a work out in.

Yes, there are hundreds, probably thousands of you out there rolling your eyes and saying, it doesn't take much time to get a work out in, so stop complaining and just do it. You're right. It doesn't take that much time, and it is absolutely do-able- when you really want it. When you make it a priority. And go ahead and judge me all you want, but it just was not a priority for me last week, and I refuse to feel any more guilt over that right now.
Instead, my priorities consisted of:
1. Finding a daycare that I trusted and could imagine sending my kids, my life, to 3 times a week
2. Finding a balance between not ignoring my kids and getting all of those homework assignments done, and to a standard I could live with, even though that standard just isn't always as high as I would like anymore
3. Spending a couple hours every night with my husband, just working through all his new challenges at work and catching up on our shows
4. Attending one work interview and another pre-employment drug screen after accepting a job-while trying not to feel guilty that my husband had to take time away from his work to be with the kids so I could do this
5. Going to get my facial waxing in, because, honestly, I couldn't live another day without doing it
6. Ensuring our puppy, who is gaining curiosity, didn't completely destroy our house
7. Trying to just stay sane while I count down the days to beginning my new job.

Yup, there was absolutely room to throw a work out into those days too. But it wasn't my priority so I let it go. However, this week, I am determined to try get back on track, at least a little! So yesterday, I took care of all the morning activities like breakfast, milk, etc, then turned on my old Turbo Jam DVD and did a 20 minute workout. I definitely felt rusty, but felt great after finishing it. So great, I figured I'd do a 20 minute walk/jog on the treadmill, since the kids were actually behaving and allowing me some me-time.
I set the treadmill up for the weight loss tract, threw my ear buds in and pulled up some videos to watch for school. I started walking, figuring I would just walk for a warm up and then do some jogging. But when Jillian came over the treadmill speakers and told me to keep pushing through as the incline started to increase, I figured, why not. I'll just do the walk with the incline like she has mapped out for me. And a 3% incline isn't too bad. The 5% was OK too. The 9% got me a bit more winded, and when she hiked me up to 11% I truly remembered why I also have a love/hate relationship with Miss Jillian!! The workout was set to go for 40 minutes, but I knew if I wanted a shower, 20 was all I was going to get before everyone was screaming for lunch, so I set my mind to just push through for that 20 minutes. I was lucky enough to get a short 3 minute break in there when our Financial Advisor called to go over a couple things and set up a conference call with Matt and I both for later this week. Ya, sorry sir, I was panting because I was in the middle of a workout, and technically you were interrupting, but I was OK with it! I felt great after yesterdays exercise routines...until about 6 pm!

I went to get up off the couch and my hip screamed at me! Apparently I pushed just a little too hard, because my hip flexor was not pleased and was screaming at me in pain. OK, I'll do a few stretches and get through it. By 8 pm, all I wanted to do was take a long jacuzzi and try relax my hip muscles enough to give me a break. Of course, I couldn't do that until after 9 when all kids were tucked to bed, and The Bachelor was over! As I lay relaxing, I then realized it wasn't just my inner hip flexor muscles but also the outer. Awesome. I felt like a really old lady, and could barely get comfortable laying in bed, but figured, hey tomorrow's a new day!

Well tomorrow's here and the pain might actually be a little worse, but I know I'll get through it with some ice and stretching. My pain today has reduced what I can do as far as exercise, but I guess was a great excuse to get my crunches, push-ups and arm workouts in. So I did. Nothing nearly as strenuous as yesterday, but nonetheless I did do something, and I'll choose to be proud of that today and let it be enough. Because doing something, is always better than doing nothing, and my reasons for doing so are just too stinking cute. The other reason I feel that I just have to keep doing this is that having my 2-year-old keep saying "what are you doing?" every time I'm doing a workout is not the best feeling in the world, so I'm determined to change that.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hopefully you didn't have to make mac 'n' cheese without milk due to your lack of groceries today :) It's actually not too horrible!

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."

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