Friday, January 22, 2016

My First Blogging Attempt...

So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I've been meaning to do it for quite awhile now. My reason? Because some days in my life, things happen that I think are hilarious (or not so hilarious-in fact the exact opposite) that I feel like sharing with others. Also, it may help to keep me mildly sane over the next couple years as I return to school and try to balance being a student, wife, mommy to a 4 year old sassy-pants girl and 2 1/2 year old wild man, and part-time nurse. Oh ya, I'm also the "mommy" to a 3 year old cat, an 8 year-old Welsh Corgi and an 8 week old Dalmation puppy.

 We also just moved from Minnesota where we had a strong support system, daycare, jobs, and friends to Illinois where we have none of the above!! Scratch that, we have jobs (now)- jobs are good! We moved because my wonderful hubby got a job offer that was just too good to pass up. His company also lets us rent a beautiful 3,800 square foot house that we of course love. I mean, what's not to love about a house with a big kitchen (my old one was the size of a shoebox), huge bedrooms, a Master Suite (complete with walk-in closet and jacuzzi tub), an outdoor heated pool and an indoor hot tub?? Add an attached garage, 68 acres and a Christmas tree lot in the back, and ya, they hooked me!

So, I gave up my well-paying job (which I was planning to anyway, since the crazy me decided to go back to school), plucked the kids out of the amazing home daycare they've been in since birth, loaded down our mini van and headed south! We've now all been together in Illinois since the first of November, and I just this week finally got a job! Thank you Lord Jesus! I give huge props to all of the stay-at-home-moms/dads out there, because I just cannot do it! I went from working 40+ hours a week outside the home to working 0 hours a week outside the home and learned a very important lesson: I am not meant to stay home with my kids! I adore and love them dearly, but I do not have the patience of a saint and am just not creative or energetic enough to entertain them all day every day! Add to that the cleaning of this monstrosity of a house I claim to love, and ya, I'm ready to work again!!

I've been an OB nurse for the past 5 years, although the past 2 years, I went into Management, so wasn't taking care of patients nearly enough. I cannot wait to get back to the bedside and be a part of the miracle of birth again! I love helping to bring new life into this world, and to be with women as they become a mommy either for the first time, or again. No two births are the same, and no two women are the same, so every day is a new adventure. And every day is a blessing, honor and privilege to be a part of that special day for that woman and her family.

I'm also going back to school to be a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, and have decided to go the full-time route. So apparently, I make insane decisions and have to just roll with them! In all fairness, we decided I would go back to school BEFORE we were given this job offer and decided to move, so at the time, it didn't feel like the most insane thing to do! Now, it definitely is overwhelming since I have to find preceptors at hospitals where I know no-one, I had to establish primary care ASAP to get all of my clinical requirement labs and titers done, and I'm going to start a brand new job at the same time as taking 9 graduate credits :) So yup, I feel like a crazy person sometimes, but keep reminding myself it will all be worth it in the end...

Just a glimpse into my crazy life today...I woke up early and actually forced myself out of bed since I have 3 assignments and a quiz due this weekend, and figured, I'd be able to get some homework done before the kiddos woke up. Haha, I really should have known better!! The puppy needed to be let out,  and he then proceeded to start chewing on everything he could find. 10 minutes later (pretty much as soon as I got my laptop and books set up), little man woke up and of course the first words out of his mouth were, "I'm hungry." Well of course you are. You're a 2 1/2 year old boy who eats constantly! So I fed him, sat down and just got my research articles open, and here comes the 4 year old who is hungry too! Ok, got everyone fed, I got settled in front of the computer, started my assignment, and now I have to pee! And the puppy is nipping at the kids. Awesome. Ok. Puppy to his kennel, kids set up with a cartoon (please don't judge me!!), and I got part of an assignment done. Perfect! Now little man needs help wiping his butt, the puppy has to pee, and the dog is chasing the cat around (they are not friends!). Kids are hungry again- really when are they not- and I've only managed one cup of coffee. Time for a shower -the kind where by the end both kids and the cat are "hanging out" with me-  then feed the kids lunch. I manage to shovel mine in between jumping up to answer the demands of "I need more milk," "I need a fork" and "My tummy too full."

Ok, clean up lunch, and stare at the stuff I left out for hubby to eat before I remember (ya, 15 minutes later...) that he told me he wouldn't be home for lunch today. Ok, finish cleaning up the kitchen and sassy pants is whining that she wants to play with "magic sand" again today. I let them play with some yesterday, and it was great messy fun, but I have way more to do today and don't want to clean it up and deal with an hour-long bath after! Yes, I know, mean mom! So I bribed her to chill by making it "Ice Cream Sundae" day and said if they let me finish my lecture, that I would make them the sundaes. I probably shouldn't have done this when I still had an hour's worth of lecture left! Oh well, headphones back in, favorite cartoon on tv (again, no judging!), and water at my side. Look up half an hour later to see both kids jumping off the arm of the couch onto one of the Anywhere Chairs and having a blast. I tell them to stop before someone gets hurt (famous last words!) and because we don't jump on the furniture...and little man takes one more flying leap and bounces off the chair into the bottom of the entertainment center. Bring on the screaming! Rightfully so, for once, as he shows me where he hits his head (I thought it was his leg, from my angle...) and there's the blood. Now, this is the first actual "wound" he has had, which is pretty good for such a rammy boy, so I am just grateful it wasn't worse! We just cleaned it off, thankfully it wasn't a deep cut, put some ointment on, and moved up the ice cream sundaes to now instead of later! And yes, I had one too :)

Of course miss sassy pants has told me she is hungry three times in the hour since she wolfed down her sundae...seriously, are these kids ever not hungry?!?! I'm going to need a second job just to feed them at this rate! Heck, daycare will probably be cheaper than trying to feed them here every day!!! She got a banana....and now we're having hot chocolate while little man sleeps, because frankly, some days you just need a little something to warm ya up!

Now its on to dishes and laundry...oh ya, and counting down the days until I start my new job and get a "break!" 10 days and counting.....

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